Designrr Tutorial for Beginners 2025: A Step-by-Step Guide

| | February 2, 2025

Designrr is the best eBook making software for creating eBooks from existing content like blog articles, podcasts, Google Doc documents, MS Word documents, and old PDFs. 

It's easy to use, saves you time and effort, offers a range of customization options, and allows you to publish your eBook in various formats - PDF, Kindle or Mobi.

In this Designrr tutorial, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use Designrr to create eBooks or flipbooks for your blog or online business.

Let's get started.

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Designrr Tutorial

Getting Started with Designrr

Designrr is a cloud-based service which allows you to create an eBook from scratch or from your existing published content.

So, you're not required to download or install any software on your computer device. It can be accessed from any device (desktop, table or mobile) and on any operating system (Windows, Mac, Ubuntu or Linux).

You only need a working internet connection to start working with Designrr to create eBooks.

To fully complete the Designrr tutorial, you'll need an account at Designrr.

You can either subscribe to any of the subscription plan by Designrr or get the one-time price special lifetime deal by Designrr.

With the lifetime deal, you can get the Standard Plan of Designrr at only $27 one-time fee. Learn more about this special offer below.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to get started with Designrr.

1. Visit this link - Designrr, and sign up for the free trial. Don't worry, you can always upgrade or downgrade your account.

Designrr Pricing Plans

In the above screenshot, you can see that there are four types of pricing plans offered by Designrr and each of them offers a 7-day free trial for beginners.

Just click the link - Start Free 7 Day Trial, and enter your contact information and payment details. Please note that you need to enter your credit card or PayPal details to start the free trial.

If you don't like Designrr, you can cancel your trial account within the 7 days trial period.

After entering all the details, click on the button - Buy Now. You won't be charged anything now. Only after 7 days, your account will be charged depending upon the plan you selected while signing up for the free trial.

Designrr Standard Trial

In the above screenshot, you can see that I have selected the Standard Plan which costs $29/month for the free trial.

After signing up for the free trial, you would able to login to your Designrr account. During the free trial, you can create unlimited eBooks, PDF, flipbooks, get access to Facebook community, and more.

Save More with Designrr!!

Please note that for a limited time, you can get the Standard Plan at only $27 instead of paying $29/month.

This lifetime deal by Designrr is only available under the Standard Plan.

To claim the lifetime deal, visit the link below and pay a one-time fee of $27. You also get a 30-day money-back guarantee on your purchase. 

If you don't like Designrr within the 30 days period, you claim full refund.

Get Designrr at only $27 (one-time fee)

Designrr Dashboard

When you login to your Designrr account for the first time, the Dashboard will look like the screenshot given below.

Designrr Dashboard

At the top, you have four menu - Dashboard, My Projects, Drafts, and Media Manager.

Dashboard: This is the place where you get all the different options to create eBooks from a website URL, Word file, Google Docs file, and more. You can also start your project by selecting one of the templates offered by Designrr.

Designrr has recently launched Wordgenie. It is an AI text generator tool that can help you create content for your eBooks. Using this tool, you can create headlines, outlines and even initial content for the eBook.

When you join Designrr, your account is preloaded with 100,000 credits that you can use to write content for your eBooks using Wordgenie.

My Projects: Here you can find all the projects (eBooks, flipbooks, PDFs, or reports) you had created in your account.

Drafts: If you have started your projects and but not published yet, it will get saved under the Drafts. You can access your incomplete projects here anytime.

Media Manager: It allows you to see all the images and graphics you have uploaded in your Designrr account. You can also search for new images. Please remember that Designrr offers thousands of copyright-free images that you can easily add to your projects.

At the bottom of the Dashboard, you can access your recent projects. You have the option to preview the projects or edit them using the Designrr editor.

How to Import Content into Designrr?

1. Import Content from a Website URL

As I have already stated at the beginning of this Designrr tutorial, you can import content from different sources inside Designrr at the click of a button.

In this section, we'll learn how to import content of a blog article already published on a website. Please note that Designrr doesn't limit you to fetch content from a single website URL only.

Thus, using Designrr you can import content from multiple URLs.

Here is the step by step guide to import content from a website.

Designrr Import from Website URL

step 1

Log in to your Designrr account. It will launch the Dashboard. Now, click on the link - Import from Blog post/s or URL (see the above screenshot).

step 2

Enter the URL of your blog post as seen in the screenshot below and select Fetch.

Enter Blog Post URL Designrr

When you click on the Fetch button after entering a blog URL, Designrr will automatically fetch the blog article as seen in the screenshot below.

Designrr Fetch Blog Post

In the above screenshot, you can see that Designrr has successfully fetched the blog article. You can see the blog title and website name for the blog URL you had fetched. You can also add tags to your projects here.

Now, you have the following two options:

  1. If you want to fetch more blog URLs, you can simply repeat the process by entering another URL and click on Fetch. This is important if you're creating an eBook or a PDF using content from multiple blog articles.
  2. If you don't want to fetch more blog URLs, click on the Next button to move on to the next step. 

step 3

To help you design your eBook, reports or PDF, Designrr offer lots of ready-made templates that you can customize to match your brand color, font or style.

These templates are nicely arranged into different categories - relationship, copywriting, eCommerce, e-learning, business, self development, marketing, training and more.

Templates Designrr

Before you select any template, I would advise you to select your preferred paper size. On the top right (see the above image), you have the option to change the paper size. By default, it is A4. You can change the paper size in the following format - A3, A4, A5, Letter, Legal, Square and more.

Here, you also have the option to select the orientation of your project (eBook) - Landscape and Portrait.

After selecting the proper size, choose the template you want for your project. You can preview each template in both the Web Version and PDF version (see the image given below).

Designrr Template Preview

To select any template, just hover you mouse over the template, and select - Use. Now, wait for a few seconds to let Designrr import your content inside its editor where you can customize your project.

Editor Interface Designrr

Above screenshot is a overview of the Designrr editor. All the options to edit, save, publish and navigate are neatly arranged in the editor. Have a look.

  • Center: At the center of the editor you can see the template you've chosen and the content you've imported in the earlier steps. The first page is the Cover Page followed by the content pages and in the end you get the Back Cover Page.
  • Right: On the right side, Designrr offers a Navigator panel using which you can easily move from one page to another.
  • Left: On the left side, you get all the important editing options to make changes to your eBook - text, image, links, background color, font type, font color, font size, table of content, page number, padding, margin, shape, header & footer and more.
  • Bottom Left: On the bottom left of the editor, you get these options - Save, Undo, Redo and Publish. It also contain an eye button which gives you distraction-free view of your eBook without any panel, navigation, or any other options.
  • Bottom Right: Here you get the chat icon using which you can contact the Designrr support team. Please note that it is not a real-time chat feature. So, you may have to wait a couple of minutes or hours before you get a reply.

step 4

Using the Designrr editor and its elements, you can now make changes to your eBook to make it look perfect and ready to publish.

Once you're ready to publish your eBook, you can select the Publish button available at the bottom left of the editor.

Make sure that you chose the right format. If you're on the Standard Plan, you can publish your project in only two formats - PDF and Flipbook

As I am a Standard Plan user, I have seen that earlier Designrr used to offer Kindle ePub Export, ePub (e-readers), live eBook and export HTML but now they have withdrawn these formats. If you want to export your projects in these formats, then you would have to upgrade your account to the Pro plan.

Designrr Publishing Options

Select your preferred format as seen in the above screenshot, add title to your eBook and also add the Author Name.

You also have the option to add description to your eBook. It is optional.

Now, click on the Export button to download your project to your computer.

Please remember that your project is also saved in your Designrr account. If you need to make any changes to your project, you can log in to your account and access your project.

That's it, these are the steps that you need to follow to import your content from a website and convert it into a professionally looking eBook.

2. Import Google Doc Document

In this part of Designrr tutorial, we'll cover how to convert your document in Google Doc into an eBook using Designrr.

To convert your Google Doc document into eBook, you need to go through two important steps:

  1. Prepare your Google Doc document for import
  2. Import your Google Doc document into Designrr

Let's get started with the tutorial.

Prepare your Google Doc Document for Import

Follow the steps mentioned below to get your Google Doc document ready to be imported into Designrr.

  • Add the appropriate Header tag in the document. For example, make Chapter Headings as H2 and Section Headings as H3. It will help Designrr recognize the Chapters and Headings automatically.
  • If you document already contain a Table of Content, remove it. Designrr automatically adds it based on the Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) inside your document. So, if you have it in your document, remove it.
  • Remove any Headers and Footers in the document. Designrr also creates these automatically so you don't need to have Headers and Footer in your source document.
  • If you have any large paragraphs, I would recommend you to split them into smaller paragraphs for readability. Your readers will find your eBook easy to read.
  • Make sure that any existing lists inside your Google Document are not split into multiple pages. If you find any lists expand into multiple pages, try to cover the list in a single page.

By making the above changes, your Google Doc document will ready to be imported into Designrr.

Let's move on to the next step.

Import Your Google Doc Document into Designrr

Go to your Google Doc document and click on the Share button located at the top of your document.

Now under General Access, select the option - Anyone with the link, and click on Copy Link. 

Google Doc Sharing Option

Now, go to your Designrr Dashboard and click on the option - Import from Google Doc (see the screenshot below).

Designrr Import from Google Doc

On selecting the Import from Google Doc option, a page will appear (see the screenshot below) where you need to enter your copied URL.

Designrr Enter Google Doc URL

After entering the Google Doc URL, click on the Fetch button.

In the below screenshot you can see that Designrr has successfully fetched the copied URL. Now click on the Next button as highlighted in the image below.

Designrr Google Doc

Now, as we had done in case of importing content from a blog URL, here also, you need to select your template and page size.

After selecting your preferred template and appropriate page size, Designrr will import your content into its editor where you can make changes to your content.

Google Doc Imported Content Designrr

When you have finished editing your content, you can click the Publish button to download your project in your preferred format.

3. Import Word Document

In this Designrr tutorial, we're going to learn how to import a Word document into Designrr, apply a template to it, edit it in Designrr editor and finally export it in your desired format.

The steps that you need to follow to import a Microsoft Word document or its alternatives are almost similar to the steps that we just completed in previous section.

To import a Word document, you need your content in a .docx format. Starting in 2007, the default save format in Microsoft Word has been changed from DOC to DOCX.

Like  we did in case of Google Doc document, here also, we need to go through these two important steps:

  1. Prepare your Word document for import
  2. Import your Word document into Designrr

Below I have mentioned the steps that we have already covered in our last tutorial - Importing Google Doc document into Designrr. All the steps are exactly similar.

  • Add the appropriate Header tag in the document, Chapter Headings as H2 and Section Headings as H3.
  • Remove the Table of Content, from the document, if you have it.
  • Remove any Headers and Footers in the document.
  • Split large paragraphs into smaller paragraphs.
  • Try to cover any list inside the document in a single page for better readability.

By making the above changes, your Word document will ready to be imported into Designrr.

Let's move on to the next step.

Import Your Word Document into Designrr

Now, go to your Designrr Dashboard and click on the option - Import from Word DOCX (see the screenshot below).

Designrr Import from Word Doc

Now, Designrr will ask you to do some basic formatting and editing to your content like we did in the case of Google Doc above (see the image below).

For example, you may remove table of contents, headers & footers, footnotes from your content. And properly tag your headings inside the document - Chapter headings as H2 and Section heading H3.

For more information on formatting a Word file before importing into Designrr, you may visit this link.

After doing all the changes, click on the button - Now I know how to upload my docx! Next.

Import from Word Docx

Designrr will open a page like this (see the image). Here, you will need to add your Word docx file from your computer.

After adding the file, click on the Next button.

Add Word File

In the below image, you can see that I have successfully added a Word file which is now ready to be imported into Designrr.

Click on the Next button to continue.

Word File Added in Designrr

Now, select the page size and a template of your choice. It will then open the Designrr editor. Make the changes as per your need. For example, you can add table of content, header & footer, page number, padding, margins, etc.

After making all the changes, select the Publish button to download your eBook to your computer.

Important Designrr Elements

Adding and Managing Table of Contents

The Table of Contents (TOC) is a list of the chapters or sections in your book. It's typically located near the beginning of the eBook and serves as a roadmap for readers, allowing them to quickly and easily navigate your content.

As an author or publisher, you may not think that the Table of Contents (TOC) is important in an eBook. After all, it's just a list of chapters and page numbers, right?

Wrong! The TOC is one of the most important features of an ebook, and it can have a significant impact on your readers' experience.

For readers, the TOC is a roadmap that helps them navigate your eBook. It allows them to quickly find the information they need and jump to specific chapters or sections.

Additionally, the TOC can help with discoverability. When readers search for books on platforms like Amazon, they often use keywords related to the topics they're interested in. If your eBook has a detailed TOC that includes these keywords, it's more likely to show up in search results and attract potential readers.

Designrr allows you to add Table of Contents to your eBook automatically if your eBook is formatted in the right way as I have explained above in case of importing content from blog URL, Google Doc and MS Word.

However, it also allows you to add a Table of Contents manually to your eBook and in this Designrr tutorial, we'll learn how to add a TOC manually to your eBook.

Adding table of contents to your ebook manually

Log in to your Designrr account, click on My Projects and open your project (eBook) inside the Designrr editor.

Inside the Designrr editor, click on Elements. Here, you can see different elements offered by Designrr that you can add to your eBook. For example, table of contents, page number, import content, new page, page break, chapter headings, and more.

To add a Table of Contents, click on it and drag it inside your content as shown in the image below.

Designrr Table of Content Element

As you drag the element - Table of Contents, inside the place where you want it to add, Designrr will offer you three different formats of TOC (see the screenshot below).

  • In the first format, the TOC will contain Chapter Headings on the left and page number on the right.
  • Second format have the page number on the left and the Chapter Headings on the right side.
  • I like the third format, where TOC will contain the Chapter Headings and the Section Headings on the left and page number on the right side.

Depending on the need, chose the format that you like the most.

Designrr Table of Contents

When you click on the preferred Table of Contents as shown in the image above, a TOC will automatically be added in your eBook (see the screenshot below).

Designrr TOC

Now, whenever a reader clicks on any headings of the table of contents, it will take the reader directly to the concerned page of the eBook.

In this section of Designrr tutorial, you have learn how to add a table of contents.

Now, let's learn what are the editing/formatting options are available in the Designrr editor for designing a TOC.

Inside the Designrr editor, you can easily change the font type, text color, font size, alignment, letter spacing and line height of your TOC. You can change the background color, add margins, add padding, borders, and more.

That's it, in just a few steps, you can easily add a table of contents to your eBook in Designrr.

Adding a New Page in Your eBook

Adding a new page to your eBook in Designrr is very easy. To add a page, click on Elements. Now click on New Page and drag it over to your eBook as seen in the image below.

Adding New Page

As you drag the New Page element inside your eBook and release the mouse, Designrr will ask you the type of page you want to add - Cover, Regular, 2 Columns, About, Table of Contents, Chapter Heading, and more (see the below screenshot).

Adding Regular Page

Since we want to add a new page to our eBook, we will select the Regular option. As you click on the Regular option, Designrr will automatically add a new page. It will be added just before the current page where you drag the New Page element.

Alternate Option:

There is another option to add a page in your eBook. As you move your mouse between any two pages, Designnr will automatically show you different options to customize your pages - scroll up, scroll down, move page up, move page down, delete page, duplicate page, lock page and add new page.

Adding Page

Thus, as you seen in the above screenshot, you need to click on the (+) icon to add a new page. Thus, to add one page click on (+) once, or if you need to add multiple pages, click on it multiple times.

You can add as many pages as you want to your eBook.

Now, let's see the other options:

Scroll up: Using this option, you can easily move up to the previous page. No need to scroll your mouse.

Scroll down: This work exactly opposite to the scroll up option. This option allows you to move down to the next page.

Move page up: If you want to move your current page before a particular page, you can use the move page up option.

Move page down: Similarly, if you want to move your current page down after a particular page, use this option.

Delete page: Select this option, if you want to delete the current page.

Duplicate page: Select this option, if you want to make a copy of the current page.

Please note that I'll be adding more tutorials to this page in future. My aim is to give you a thorough knowledge of this wonderful eBook creator software so that you can easily create a nice-looking eBooks, reports or PDF without hiring a professional expert.

Wrapping Up

I hope the tutorials covered in this article will help you repurpose your already existing content in the form of blog articles, Google doc file, Word document, and more into a professional-looking eBooks.

If you like this Designrr tutorial, do share it with your friends and family.

For more tutorials, you can visit our other useful resources:

Designrr Standard Plan which normally cost $29/month is now available at a one-time fixed price of $27 only. No need to pay any monthly subscription fee. Get the lifetime deal using the link below. You also get a 30 day money-back guarantee on your purchase.

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Deepak Choudhary

Deepak Choudhary is the founder of He is a Blogger and an Affiliate Marketing Expert. He publishes useful articles for newbie bloggers related to the following topics - Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Software Reviews, Software Tutorials, Blogging, WordPress, SEO, Passive Income, and more.