Minecraft enthusiasts and Google Docs users rejoice!
If you're looking to add a touch of blocky, retro charm to your documents, fortunately, some Google fonts resemble the iconic Minecraft lettering.
One font that resembles the Minecraft style is VT323. And there is another font that I will reveal further in this tutorial.
These fonts feature distinctive square-shaped letters and a pixelated look, similar to the text in the popular game Minecraft.
In this article, you will learn about the best Minecraft font on Google Docs. You'll also learn how to add it to your document to give it a fun and playful Minecraft-inspired look.
Let's get started.
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Best Minecraft Fonts on Google Docs?
Below I have mentioned two popular fonts that you can use as minecraft font on your Google document.
- VT323
- Press Start 2P
1. VT323
The VT323 font designed by Peter Hull is a pixelated font, similar to the font used in Minecraft.
If you're creating a document related to Minecraft, this can evoke the game's aesthetic and feel.
It is a free and open-source font that is readily available on Google Fonts.
Below is an example of the VT323 font that I have selected as the Minecraft font in my document.
2. Press Start 2P
Another that I like and recommend as a Minecraft font for your document is Press Start 2P.
It is designed by CodeMan38. The font can be a fun and nostalgic choice for Minecraft-themed projects in Google Docs.
Like VT323, Press Start 2P is a free and open-source font available on Google Fonts. It can easily be added to your Google document from its font library.
Below is an example of the Press Start 2P font that I have selected as the Minecraft font in my document.
How to Add Minecraft Font on Google Docs?
To add minecraft fonts, either VT323 or Press Start 2P, you need to perform the following easy process.
Open Google Docs on your browser by visiting this link - https:docs.google.com. A page will open as shown below.
Now, click on Blank document to create a new document.
Now, to add a minecraft font on Google Docs, click on font dropdown from the tool bar.
By default, Google Docs uses the Arial font for the document. So, click on the font Arial as shown below.
Then again click on More fonts. See the below screenshot.
A popup window will open where you will be required to enter your font as search term.
To add the minecraft font on our Google document, we will enter either VT323 or Press Start 2P, in the search bar.
Below you can see that I have entered vt323 as my search term. As you enter the font name, search result will instantly show you the font as shown below.
Now, click on the font to select it. A blue tick will appear on the left side of the font.
Click on the OK button to set it as your font.
Now, the VT323 will be your font in the Google document.
To apply this minecraft font, you just need to type your text inside the document.
Below, you can see that I have entered some text in my document, and the font of these text is set VT323, which is our minecraft font.
That's it, this is how you can add a minecraft font on Google Docs.
By following the same process that we perform above, you can also add the other minecraft font - Press Start 2P, in your document.
Tips: The pixelated nature of these minecraft fonts (VT323 and Press Start 2P) makes them less readable, especially for longer texts. These are suitable for short titles, headings, or captions but not ideal for large blocks of text.
Wrapping Up
Using minecraft fonts on your document can instantly evoke a sense of nostalgia and whimsy for Minecraft fans.
I hope you found this tutorial on best minecraft fonts on Google Docs helpful. If you've liked it, please share it with your friends on social media.
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