Join MyThemeShop Affiliate Program and Earn $2227 per month

| | March 21, 2024

In this article you learn about an excellent affiliate program which you can easily join and earn an awesome $2227 per month. 

What is this affiliate program? 

The name of this program is MyThemeShop Affiliate Program. 

You can join MyThemeShop affiliate program and earn $2227 per month by promoting its products (WordPress themes, plugins, etc.) on your blog.

If you are looking to monetize your blog by promoting any affiliate products then MyThemeShop affiliate program can be an excellent choice. 

It is free to join and you can start promoting its products and earn right from day one of your account approval.

Thus, I would recommend you to join this program to earn decent income by promoting its products on your blog.

In fact, most bloggers has recently moved away from Google Adsense due to its low earnings in comparison to affiliate program earnings. Gone are the days when Google Adsense was the number one choice for many bloggers.

Affiliate marketing programs are craze among bloggers and most bloggers are using only affiliate programs or affiliate networks as their preferred monetization methods.

Now there are a number of different affiliate programs available for you to promote on your blog and you can earn thousands of dollars every month by promoting it.

Note: This article contains affiliate links. When you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, we get a small compensation at no cost to you. See our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer for more info.

But you should not join any affiliate program. 

The affiliate program you are joining must be related to your blog niche.

If you have a tech niche blog and you promote affiliate product related to organic food products or any fashion products then do you think that you will get any success?

I know you answer will be NO.

If you do this mistake, your visitors will hardly ever click on the affiliate link because it is not related to what they are looking for in your blog. 

Instead, if you promote any technology related affiliate program in your tech blog then there is much possibility that your user will want to know more about the affiliate product you are promoting and even buy it.

Let's move on and see what is MyThemeShop and how it's affiliate program works.

About MyThemeShop

Mythemeshop is an online company which provides quality WordPress Themes and Plugins.

It has themes for all types of websites like blog, eCommerce and business.

It is very popular among blog and eCommerce website owners. It has 554500 satisfied customers.

It has already launched 113 themes and plugins. In last year alone it has released 30 plus themes and plugins.


Happy Users


Themes & Plugins


New Releases in last Year

Why You Should Join MyThemeShop Affiliate Program?

Let's see some of the best features of MyThemeShop affiliate program.

  • MyThemeShop is very popular among blog owners so it will not be very difficult to sell its affiliate products.
  • You will get 55% commission on every sale you refer.
  • It has 60-Day Return Cookie. Even if a user clicks on your link today but purchases any theme later within next 60 day you will get the commission.
  • It has no minimum payout limit and it pays monthly.
  • It has over 150+ products.
  • It has responsive and attractive banners which ensures high conversion rates giving you higher earnings.

How Much Can You Earn With MyThemeShop Affiliate Program?

Taking conservative approach of only 2 sales per day you can easily earn at least $2277 per month.

Let's look at the following stats.

MyThemeShop Affiliate Program Statistics

Monthly Income Statistics: 2 Sales Per Day

Theme Price


Commission Percentage


Commission You Get


Sales Per Day


Your Monthly Income

$37.95 x 2 x 30

Total (Every Month)


Thus, with only 2 sales per day you can easily earn $2227 per month.

But remember one thing. It will not be easy to land 2 sales every day. You must formulate some solid marketing strategies to promote your affiliate product.

Later in this article I have explained some strategies to promote this affiliate program to achieve results as shown above.

How to Join MyThemeShop Affiliate Program?

To join MyThemeShop affiliate program see the following steps.


Step 1 - Visit  the following link

MyThemeShop Affiliate Program

Now click on Sign Up.


Step 2 - On the Sign Up page enter the following

Your Name and Email address.

You can also sign up with Facebook and Google account.


Step 3 - Confirm your registration. 

Check your mail for a link from MythemeShop. Select the link to confirm your registration.


Step 4 - Check your affiliate account 

Select Member's Area from your account. Then move over to Affiliate Info to access your affiliate account. Here, enter your paypal address to receive your payment from MyThemeShop for affiliate sales.

That's it! Now you have successfully created your affiliate account at MyThemeShop and now you can start promoting its themes and plugins.

Let's see what are the options we can use to promote this affiliate program.

How to to Promote MyThemeShop Affiliate Themes and Plugins?

Most bloggers while promoting their affiliate program tends to place the affiliate banner in between the post content or the sidebar and just hope for the users to click on the banner and purchase a product. 

You may get one or two sales by chance but in the long term this strategy won't work.

To make at least 2 sales per day from MyThemeShop affiliate program we must have some solid affiliate marketing strategies to promote its WordPress themes and plugins.

Let's see some of the best strategies to promote MyThemeShop affiliate program:

  • First select your favorite MyThemeShop theme or plugin which you want to promote. Then do a proper research on this theme or plugin.
    Find out its main features and also how it is different or better from the other themes or plugins available in the market.
  • Now, do a proper keyword research on this theme or plugin and write an SEO-optimized article to rank it high on Google Search result page.
  • Heading or Title of the review page should be attractive enough to compel readers to completely read your review article. 
  • User power words like Best, Top, Top Rated, etc. in your article.
  • Don't overuse the affiliate links. I would recommend you to not place affiliate links all over the review page.

    Ideally you should not use more than 2 links in the body of the review. And at the bottom of the review page or post you should use a Call-To-Action button as mentioned above.

    This Call-To-Action button will result in high Click-Through-Rate (CTR).
  • Clearly and accurately mention the discount available for the product, if any.
  • Put a link of your review page on some of the popular post of your blog.

These are some of the best strategies which I have mentioned above.

Follow the above tips and I am sure that you will easily achieve success with MyThemeShop affiliate program.

MyThemeShop affiliate program is an excellent product to join for free and earn by promoting its awesome themes and plugins.

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Affiliate programs are the best income source of affiliate marketers. Using best affiliate program and using best strategies to promote them can be a consistent source of income for your blog.

If you have not joined this program yet join now by visiting the below link-

MyThemeShop Affiliate Program

I hope that now you have a clear understanding about this affiliate program and how it works.

Join MyThemeShop Affiliate Program and earn $2227 per month easily by following the above mentioned strategies.

If you don't own any blog and are interested in creating your own blog, then you can check out the following article.

Everything required to start a blog has been covered in this article.Here is the link - How to Start a Blog?

What are the affiliate programs that you are promoting, please comment below.

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Deepak Choudhary

Deepak Choudhary is the founder of He is a Blogger and an Affiliate Marketing Expert. He publishes useful articles for newbie bloggers related to the following topics - Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Software Reviews, Software Tutorials, Blogging, WordPress, SEO, Passive Income, and more.